Thursday 12 August 2010

Charity Bazaar Article

Pull out your wallets, don't pull out your hair!

Monday afternoon, a period before school was over, the Secondary Two students of East Spring Secondary School were lined up by class in the parade square and were all set to sell the surprises they had for the Singapore Children's Cancer Society. Every class was striving hard to sell their delicacies, as well as the games played to be paid for as they were raising funds for the strong children with cancer.

As a Secondary Two student, I was a part of those who were trying to raise funds. I was tending the stall my class set up where we managed to sell cups of fizzy floats, puddings, marshmallow and fruits fondue as well as accessories and notebooks. Since we are not allowed to go to school with a shaved head as the Hair for Hope was going on, the school gave us, the secondary two students, a chance to help in this significant event.

To attract attention to the stalls, 2E4 thought of an innovative idea of giving free hugs to anyone who wanted or needed them. The idea of having free hugs was not only to bring other students to help in the funding but also to show that all of us had someone supporting us and are always there for them, like what we really want to tell the children with cancer. They have to be strong and that they should know that everyone around them is always giving moral support to them as they went through harsh treatments.
Other classes sold carnival delicates such as cotton candy, ice pops and 'bubble tea' which attract a lot of attention too because as young adults, we still have a mind to remain as a child and tend to go for the sweet things. Games such as mini-golf could also be played for less than 2 dollars.
My class was able to raise about a whooping $500! Imagine the total amount collected as we add all the figures collected from different classes! The efforts of every class to organize themselves and finding ways to raise funds definitely paid off. Everyone had the time of their lives as they lined up to get their food and drinks before they were sold out.

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